Threatment of the Data


Galaxipotential Lda as the person responsible for the processing of the data provided through the website identified above has appointed a data controller. This person can be contacted through:


It declares expressly, freely and in an informed manner that it authorizes the collection and updating of its contact information in the databases of Galaxipotential Lda, and others belonging to the same group as defined in “Recipients” with the following purposes:
1) Customer Management;
2) Business relations;
3) Sending of promotional communication on own and partners’ products and services (according to Law no. 6/99, Law no. 41/04 and Directive no. 2002/58 / EC), through automated treatment and definition profiles, across all available communication channels, including electronic media.
The said consent was given through the acceptance made in the registration of the site
The data collection of children is carried out in a bidding manner whenever they are over 13 years of age. In all other cases, the controller will not carry out any treatment unless expressly authorized by the holder of the parental responsibilities of the child and duly substantiated.
The data provided and collected by us shall be kept for the period of time necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or up to what is verified to guarantee the exercise of the rights of opposition, rectification and erasure.
The Customer’s express consent to the registration shall remain valid without prejudice to any entries on national opposition lists (Robinson list), unless there is express opposition to the sending of communications for the purposes described above. This statement must be made to Galaxipotential Lda and carried out in the terms set forth below.

The legitimacy for the treatment of the collected data is attributed by the Client’s consent, which was done in a free, specific, informed and explicit manner in the registration and maintenance of a client’s account.

The data collected in a consented manner and destined to the aforementioned purposes can be transmitted to the partners of Galaxipotential Lda. Within the following areas of performance:
1) Logistic partners in order to guarantee customer collections;
2) Financial partners through means of payment solutions;
3) Business partners for promotional purposes;
4) Technological partners for database maintenance purposes.

In the event of a legitimate reasoning and upon request through the above-mentioned e-mail, the Aider will be informed of the identity of the recipient and the purpose of the processing of the data that have been assigned to us.
To the extent possible, Galaxipotential ensures that the transfer of data to third parties only occurs when they ensure that they adopt appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data and rights of the holder and to ensure compliance with legal obligations as regards data protection it concerns.

The Client, being the holder of the data, has the right to access all his data. It also has the right to demand its limitation, rectification, opposition or erasure within the limits legally imposed.
The Client, as holder of the data, also has the right to withdraw his consent for the processing of the data at any time. This change in consent does not compromise the lawfulness of the treatment made on the basis of the consent previously given.
When it proves technically feasible, the Customer may request the portability of his data to another responsible for treatment, and they will be kept only for the exercise or defense of complaints.
Also for this purpose (single effects of declaration, exercise or defense of a right in a judicial process), the data may be retained when exercising some of the rights identified above.
In the event that you wish to exercise these rights or for any other additional question concerning the protection of data and its treatment, you should contact the responsible person in writing through the contact indicated above. You will always be asked for proof of the identity of the data subject. In addition, and if at any time you consider that your rights have not been duly taken care of, you may file a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission. You can also find additional information by consulting the Commission’s website.

Porto, October 18, 2018

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